Viviana Correa Period 8

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ignoring the Dreadful

One question I asked my self throughout the entire chapter: Are the Tralfamadorians a reflection of humans?

You may be asking yourself what do I mean (I am actually asking myself what do I mean), well, the idea of how they exhibit Billy in a zoo looks like a “black humorist” representation of humans to me.
I believe Vonnegut is trying to show us how irrational we are when we think we humans, know everything, and that we are more important than anybody else. Therefore, we try to change things, stop them and create them without worrying about the consequences these actions might bring to the entire planet.

 Vonnegut tries to show us this when the Tralfamadorians tell Billy that they even know when and how the universe will end because he starts talking on how, because of “Earthling” actions, all planets are in danger.  Nevertheless, they say that they are the ones who will end the universe and the only thing that earth has to do with it is that it will also be “wiped out”. As any human being would probably do, Billy asked them why  they didn’t do anything to prevent it, and they tell him “He has always pressed it, and he always will. We always let him and we always will let him. The moment is structured that way.” (Pg 111) Demonstrating that they don’t try to change things because they were supposed to go that way, and the universe was “meant” to end at that particular time, therefore there is no reason to prevent it.

Tralfamadorians kind of give me lessons on how to deal with “earthling” behavior. They seem, (to me at least), like these inferior creatures with green eyes, when actually they are far more mature than humans. One time they tell Billy Earthlings should start ignoring awful times and concentrating on good ones. It is so simple but so hard for us.

This lesson made me realize when, for example, a person you trust goes and tells a secret you trusted them with and you never forgive them. You only remember the bad thing that person did and not all the time he was there for you, and helped you with everything. That’s our sad truth...

We only concentrate on bad things and ignore the good ones. 

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