Viviana Correa Period 8

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Billy is Normal, We are Crazy

Billy is so strong and brave. If I knew the plain I was going to board was going to crash, I would certainly wouldn’t board it and would try to prevent the other people from doing it. But he didn’t. Because that’s the way things were supposed to happen, and there is no reason to change it. Hard, huh­­? Knowing you will be severely injured, unconscious for two days, and many people you know dying… I probably couldn’t deal with that.
The type of ideology Billy and the Trafalmadorians have, is really hard to achieve. We “machines” were not raised to belief this way. Society and our families shaped us not to accept things like these and to try to prevent them. However, this ideology is very similar to the Hindi  and the Buddhist believes. They accept their life just as it is because they were given that kind of life for some reason, usually to become better. If it’s bad, its okay because after rebirth they will have another kind of life, making it very similar to Trafalmadorian beliefs.

I think not many people are able to reach this level of believes; therefore only some are selected to experience this, in this case Billy. It’s because he is different that the Trafalmadorians take him to his saucer and teach him what the follow.

What if instead of Billy being crazy, we are the ones who are actually crazy and he is just in the right mind. Just like when we saw The Eye of the Beholder. Because he is different we think he is the different one but what if its actually the other way around… 

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