Viviana Correa Period 8

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Farewell Billy Pilgrim

So this is how it goes: The Trafolmadorians are not actually real. Bummer, I know. But I was kindda expecting it. No, not really. Actually, to tell you the truth, I had no idea if they were true or not. On the other hand, one thing I am really sure of, I that I wish I could acquire Trafalmadorian beliefs, or at least some of them. I mean the way they look at life and see everything so simple and easy. The way they don’t get stressed with things that are bad, they just enjoy the good ones. I wish I was more like that. As I mentioned in my other blog , we spend too much time regretting and concentrating on the negative aspects of life, instead of enjoying the good times.

So yeah, everything Billy believed was not actually his belief or the Trafalmadorians’ belief it was things in his life and he twisted them up making a story out of them.
In my first blog I mentioned how I thought slaughterhouse was very similar to I am the Cheese because of the clues and the song My Name Is Yon Yonson. However, it had nothing to do with the song. But in I am the Cheese, Adam also uses characters and images he sees to create a story: by story I don’t mean one to entertain, I mean one that his own mind created because he was a little coo-coo, just like Billy.

I sincerely don’t thing people should feel pity for Billy, I mean, he was happy as he was, with his beliefs and his mind’s creations and all. He had nice ideals, (even if Trafalmadorians and their beliefs don’t exist), he accepted his life just as it was, and he taught he was normal. I think that’s exactly the problem we earthlings have, we feel pity for others that don’t look ok, but who accept themselves and we try to help them, or fix their situation when they really don’t want too. In other words, WE DON’T MIND OUR OWN BUISNESS.

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